Manual therapy is a treatment method that has been practiced for thousands of years and has found healing for many people. Contrary to popular belief, it is not just a massage or alternative medicine method.
Manual therapy, which we frequently use in orthopedic disorders in our center, is a treatment method used as a treatment method for all diseases related to the musculoskeletal system and applied with completely evidence-based techniques. Manual therapy is applied in all diseases that include physical therapy.
It is applied only by hand without using any device, needle or machine. In order to reduce the pain caused by muscle spasm, muscle tension and joint dysfunction, only hand pressure is applied to the soft tissues and muscles in order to manipulate the joints in the region and stimulate the muscle tissue. This way, circulation increases and pain in the soft tissues decreases. The studies that are described as gripping among the people are also one of the manual therapy techniques
For this method, which we use to increase mobility and reduce pain, it is very important that the patient is fit. The patient is evaluated and the appropriate techniques are applied. It is absolutely important that the therapist informs them at every stage. This method can be applied to individuals of all ages.
The most important issue in the application of manual therapy is that it should be applied by a specialist physiotherapist or doctor who is competent on the subject. It is possible for people who do not have academic qualifications and experience in the field of physiotherapy to misinterpret the patient. If the application is performed by these people, there is a risk of harming the patient more than the benefit. In addition, inexperienced people may only experience serious disability if they do not know the actions to be taken against complications that may occur during treatment.
We stay in touch with our clients during and after the session and manage the whole process together.
The recovery period in manual therapy is very fast. The treatment time is also very short compared to other techniques.
Manual therapy can produce very effective results from the first session;
Mobility is greatly improved while pain and tension are reduced. The success rate of manual therapy is much higher than other techniques. It is the most frequently requested physical therapy method due to its high success rate.
With the correct positioning of the joints and the applied pressure, the range of motion increases, the pain decreases, the blood circulation accelerates and the cell begins to restructure. For example, you have a chronic low back pain and it always reminds me of itself when sitting and getting up. In our treatment, your range of motion is gradually increased with manual therapy techniques, reducing the tension in the surrounding tissues and the joint.
Each session takes effect quickly and you are freed from most restrictions in your daily life.
Physiologically, a suitable environment is created for recovery. Psychologically, the relief of pain reduces the nervous system's alarm state and provides a better quality of life.
It gives effective results in a short time, especially in matters that concern spinal health. Manual therapy and accompanying therapeutic exercises by our expert team increase the speed of recovery.
Manual therapy techniques that can be applied to patient groups of all ages should be applied after the safety tests to be made to the person. If these tests are not performed, irreversible damage may occur to the person. Ligament injuries, soft tissue traumas and neurological complaints may be encountered. You can contact us for safe and healthy service in our clinic in Kadıköy Göztepe. Manual therapy is mostly applied in the form of spinal mobilizations, stretching (stretching) and manipulation, which is known as manipulation. It may not be right to apply to everyone. For this reason, there are not few cases of paralysis and canal narrowing.
The kinetic chain in the body works as a whole on the joints and connective tissue that affect each other. This can also be called biomechanics. Any disorder in the functioning of the body affects all other joints. For example, a problem in your ankle may cause pain in your lower back. For this reason, you can get results by being evaluated by experts and applying the right technique.
The techniques we used are Aggressive benign tumor such as aneurysmal bone cyst, giant cell tumor, osteoblastoma or osteoid osteoma
Unstable fractures, severe osteoporosis, tumors of the spine, osteomyelitis, Paget's disease, Cauda equina syndrome, Hypermobile joints Congenital bleeding disorder and most importantly poor mastery is the most important contraindication for manipulations.
We can summarize the success of manual therapy compared to conventional therapy as follows;